Profile Headshot

I’m Kaushik Kumar Mitra, a software developer with 4 years of experience at Innoraft, specializing in Drupal backend development. I also have basic frontend skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I hold a Bachelor of Technology degree from Budge Budge Institute of Technologies. My passion lies in coding and creating software solutions that solve real-world problems and enhance people’s lives.



This site is a comprehensive showcase of the projects and technologies I've worked with, reflecting my journey and growth as a software developer.


This is a simple package which just generates random quotes from Phil Dunphy, the lovable and hilarious character from the TV show Modern Family


“Maze Solver” is a command-based game built with React/Redux. It challenges players to solve a maze using terminal-like commands.

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Kaushik Mitra

Software Developer

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Connect me with mail.(+91) 9674391121

Connect me with mail.Kolkata, West Bengal

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